Tonight, I blow the Shofar. I did not come here to create a perfect melody, or a pretty noise so we can all say that the Shofar was blown at our meeting.

I blow the Shofar tonight because my heart is heavy because like it or not, heaven does not touch earth.

The full revelation of YAHWEH is not being revealed because the people of planet earth have chosen a replacement to our awesome Elohim. The people want to walk to the drumbeat of the world and its worldly system. This mentality is creeping into our nations, our states/provinces, counties, cities, neighborhoods and our homes. We are a people that need not only a miracle but a touch from the mighty Hand of God/YAHWEH.

I blow the Shofar tonight because I want my heart to be tied tothe heart of YAHWEH and tonight, heaven and earth would touch and the glory of YAHWEH would be revealed. With revelation comes repentance, and with repentance, there is change, and with change, there is favor, and with favor, there is restoration.

I blow the Shofar tonight because we are a people needy of YAHWEH's Presence. If you will look around, you will see churches on many corners, and people attend them all the while hoping for more. The leaders are hollowed out and are making a mockery of righteousness all the while acting piously as they feed us with what they want to teach us or teach us what we want to hear as our ears are tickled (that is why we pay them, isn't it?), instead of preaching the message of salvation with repentance from dead works so we can repent and turn from our sins.

I blow the Shofar tongith because the Flames of Revival are not sweeping the earth. With so many churches, how can this be?

I blow the Shofar tongith, hoping and praying that YAHWEH will have mercy on us.

I blow the Shofar tonght as I ask YAHWEH to allow Heaven to touch Earth, and the power and conviction of sin would blow hot coals on every person on this planet so that we will be crushed in our hearts by the weight of our sins.

I blow the Shofar tonight because it is an instrument of war. With the right person blowing it/or people, it can rout the enemy and set this world on fire with a holy, righteous fire.

I blow the Shofar tonight and I am asking YAHWEH to demolish all strongholds and every form of wickedness and every chain of darkness will be broken. May Satan and all the demons fall into the fiery lava being poured out on the island of Hawaii.

I blow the Shofar tonght because it is time for Revival.

When you purchase a Shofar, you will get a copy of: “The Cry Of The Watchman”.